Baby Bonds in Massachusetts


Senate Bill 1999: An Act Addressing the Racial Wealth Gap (2023)

Baby Blogs

To Truly Succeed, Baby Bonds Should Engage with Program Participants to Support their Wealth Building Journey
By Amanda Brown and Daphna Gluck of the Office of Economic Empowerment at the Massachusetts State Treasury

News and Resources

Fox News
Massachusetts Considers Trust Funds for the State's Poorest Newborns to Help 'Shrink the Racial Wealth Gap'
December 28, 2023

Daily Mail UK
Massachusetts Is Set to Create Trust Funds for State's Poorest Newborns That'll See the "Baby Bonds" Invested, Then Given to Youngsters When They Turn 18 in Hopes of Helping Them Escape Poverty Trap
December 27, 2023

Massachusetts Budget & Policy Center
How Baby Bonds Could Reduce Massachusetts’ Growing Wealth Gap
November 20, 2023

Public News Service
MA 'Baby Bonds,' Expanded Tax Credits Aim to End Racial Wealth Divide
October 26, 2023

Massachusetts Office of Economic Empowerment
Massachusetts Baby Bonds Legislative Briefing
March 27, 2023

The Bond Buyer
Massachusetts Lawmakers to Consider Baby Bond Bill
February 23, 2023

Public News Service
MA ‘Baby Bonds’ Bill Aims to Close Racial Wealth Gap
February 20, 2023

OTR: State Treasurer Discusses Her Push for Baby Bonds in Massachusetts
January 22, 2023

Massachusetts Baby Bonds Task Force
Baby Bonds Task Force Findings Report

‘Baby Bonds’ Program Touted as a Way to Shrink the Wealth Gap in Massachusetts
December 12, 2022

Canton Citizen
Local Financial Educator Intrigued by ‘Baby Bonds’
August 18, 2022

Office of the Treasurer and Receiver General Deborah B. Goldberg
Treasurer Goldberg Announces Baby Bonds Task Force
June 12, 2022