New Imperatives in American Learning, Civic Education & Employment Equity

Advancing the Common Good Through Expanded Racial & Economic Justice

This project is a multimedia series of conversations and examinations intended to assess the need for new approaches to American human capital formation and community building. We examine these important topics with an eye to their racial and economic justice dimensions. This work is essential to strengthen our democracy and to promote more equitable economic development and prosperity sharing across the nation at a time of growing racial and economic division. We focus aspirationally on the need to advance a next generation of racial and economic justice reforms, building on more inclusive modalities of education and training, community engagement, and allied efforts to better align our nation’s largely disconnected systems of public instruction, civics education, and workforce preparation.

Download the report for an overview of the issues; a host of recommendations for policy and investment reforms; an allied reading and resource toolkit; a corresponding series of op-eds from Ofronama Biu, Félix V. Matos Rodríguez, Sheryl Evans Davis, Van Ton-Quinlivan, and other experts in the field; and more.

Below, watch exclusive interviews and conversations featuring Dr. Darrick Hamilton, Dr. Prudence Carter, Juan Salazar, Dr. Eduardo Padrón, Srinija Srinivasan, Eloy Ortiz Oakley, and fellow experts and practitioners.

Download the Full Report >>

Series Overview: New Imperatives in American Learning, Civic Education & Employment Equity

How can we reshape our learning, civic education, and workforce systems to create a stronger, more inclusive, and more equitable U.S. economy and democracy?

Higher Education's Changing Imperatives

Eloy Ortiz Oakley, President and CEO of the College Futures Foundation, joins us to discuss the necessary changes higher education must make to become more equitable for BIPOC and low income students.

Embracing & Scaling Education Success

Louis Freedberg, PhD, Executive Director of the Advancing Education Success Initiative, joins us to talk about closing the achievement gap in schools through a more holistic approach that addresses student's needs both inside and outside of the classroom.

Opportunity Youth

Alicia Modestino and Carrie Maultsby-Lute of Northeastern University and Mills College at Northeastern, respectively, join us to discuss their work with 'Opportunity Youth' through career pathway programs that provide young people at risk with paid, 'Earn and Learn' opportunities.

Education and Work as Human Rights

Dr. Darrick Hamilton, Founding Director of the Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy, makes the argument for advancing education, civics instruction and employment equity as basic human rights.

Connecting the Dots: Education, Organizing, and Wellness
Frances Padilla, President of the Universal Health Care Foundation of Connecticut, discusses how workforce development, racism, and education affect health outcomes.

New Perspectives on Education and Economy
Dr. Prudence Carter and Dr. Eduardo Padrón, two of the nation's leading education scholars and practitioners, discuss new perspectives on promoting inclusive education and the economy. A rebroadcast of our November 10, 2022 national webinar on the issues.

Building for Scale, Agility, and Inclusion
Van Ton-Quinlivan, CEO of Futuro Health, joins to discuss the 'three-legged stool' approach to workforce development: ensuring that the candidate pool is reliable, quality, and diverse.

Changing Our Mental Map: Investing in More Integrated Systems and Strategies
Tina Gridiron, Vice President at the ACT Center for Equity in Learning, describes the work she does to create space for integrating and connecting new ideas for education.

Community Investment
Miki Akimoto, Chief Impact Officer at the National Center for Family Philanthropy, discusses her work helping families invest in their communities.

Getting Kids Excited About Learning and Community
Sherry Smith, Executive Director of Berkeley Community Scholars, provides insight into her approach to helping invigorate student's passion for learning.

Racial Equity in Education and Employment

Eve Stotland, Eric Abrams, and Dr. Ofronoma Biu, leading practitioners, scholars, and intellectuals, discuss new models and frameworks for racial equity in education and employment. A rebroadcast of our November 14, 2022 national webinar on the issues.

New Opportunities for Economic Agency: The Future of Inclusive Workforce Development, Policy and Practice

Aimee Durfee, Jack Mills, and Juan Salazar, leading practitioners and experts discuss new approaches to workforce development, policy, and practice to expand racial inclusion and, more broadly, shared prosperity. A rebroadcast of our November 22, 2022 national webinar on the issues.

Encouraging Asset-Based and Community-Driven Solutions
Paul Bachleitner, Communications Director at the Northwest Area Foundation, joins to discuss the new models that the foundation is using for community-based innovation.

Starting a Movement Within Your Own Community

Michael Aghahowa, an Artist and Educator who works with the Montserrat College of Art and Northeastern University, describes his artistic influences and the need to expand BIPOC representation in the arts space.

Using AI to Close Equity Gaps

Jim Larimore, the Co-Founder and Chair of the EdSAFE AI Alliance, outlines the importance of fairness and equity in the AI space.

Putting Data to Work: Educating, Training and Building for Regional Economic Vitality

Jim Fong, Senior Consultant & Former Executive Director of the Rogue Workforce Partnership, speaks to the value of integrated systems in the career pathways space.

Examining New Models to Advance Racial and Economic Justice

Rahsaan Harris, Dr. Angie Kim, and Srinija Srinivasan, leading practitioners, scholars, and intellectuals, discuss new approaches to civic education and creative culture for the common good. A rebroadcast of our November 2nd, 2022 national webinar on the issues.

Book Bans and the Conservative Critique of Critical Race Theory: What's Really Going On?

Dr. Nicolás Kanellos, Dr. Sheryl Evans Davis, and Tim Komatsu, leading scholars, practictioners, and intellectuals, discuss new challenges to intellectual honesty and free expression in the educational and civic spheres. A rebroadcast of our November 16, 2022 national webinar on the issues.