In Common Credits

In Common: Romare Bearden and New Approaches to Art, Race and Economy has been organized by the Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy at The New School in collaboration with the Romare Bearden Foundation, the Vera List Center for Art and Politics at The New School, and the Institute of Jazz Studies at Rutgers University Newark.

The In Common initiative invites ongoing conversation and commentary through thoughtful essays, op-eds, and virtual conversations. Through these vehicles, we hope to encourage further thought leadership, knowledge building, and the application of new insights on art, race and economy issues in forward-going public policy making and institutional practice. Several of our featured essays are adaptations of remarks presented at the In Common symposium in late 2023. Other featured content involves commentaries or virtual discussions, mainly featuring individuals who were involved in the Project's early advancement or who were active participants at the symposium.

The Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy acknowledges the support of Demond Drummer, Serita Eaton, Maria-Elena Grant, and Alana Colvin; and above all the vision and generosity of the Institute’s Founding Director, Professor Darrick Hamilton, for encouraging and advancing this innovative and much-needed line of work.

The Romare Bearden Foundation thanks its Board of Directors and in particular its Chairman, Tallal ELBoushi. We also want to thank the additional lenders to the exhibition: The Nanette Bearden Trust and DC Moore Gallery, especially Director Heidi Lange. We acknowledge the institutional support of the Mellon Foundation. We give special thanks to Romare Bearden, whose creativity inspires us today, in common and profound ways.

The Vera List Center for Art and Politics (VLC) acknowledges the institutional supporters of our 2022–2024 program cycle on Correction*: Mellon Foundation, Ford Foundation, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Boris Lurie Art Foundation, the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation, the American Chai Trust, and the Dayton Foundation. The Center is supported and guided by the Vera List Center Board, chaired by James Keith Brown, as well as members of Vera’s List and the VLC Producers Council.

The Institute of Jazz Studies thanks to Rutgers University Newark Chancellor Nancy Cantor; the staff and faculty of the Institute–Vincent Pelote, Adriana Cuervo, Elizabeth Surles, and Diane Biunno; Dana Library Director Rhonda Marker; Newark Archivist Angela Lawrence; and Operations Director Elsa Alves, as well as the Rutgers Libraries; Talisha Johnson, Ben McCardell, and the staff of the Office of Reservations and Special Events. The Institute also owes a debt of gratitude to the staff and volunteers at Clement’s Place–Virgil Harrison, Donald Wallace and Mary Sutton, Barbara White, Yardbird Entertainment, and the members of the Rutgers University Police Department. The Institute would also like to extend a very special thanks to the Winborne and Borne families for their patience and support during this process, especially Tommie Borne. This work is dedicated to the memory of David Borne.

At The New School, we are indebted to colleagues across all colleges and programs. Special thanks are owed to President Emeritus Dwight A. McBride, Interim President Donna L. Shalala, Provost Renée T. White, and the Executive Dean of the Schools of Public Engagement, Mary R. Watson. We are grateful to Yvonne Watson, Interim Dean of Parsons School of Design, for welcoming the exhibition to the Kellen Gallery of the Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, and we thank Richard Kessler, Executive Dean, College of the Performing Arts. We also thank Anthony Curry, Director of Events and Special Projects, Parsons School of Design; Mark Fitzpatrick, Director, Events IT; and Daisy Wong, Assistant Director of the Galleries, Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, as well as Emily Clayton, Collection Manager, The New School Art Collection. The symposium and the exhibition benefited immensely from the expertise of Elle Baez, formerly a Research Assistant at The Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy; Tabor Banquer, Director of Strategy and Advancement, VLC; Re’al Christian, Assistant Director of Editorial Initiatives, VLC; Tim Komatsu, formerly a Research Assistant at The Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy; Camila Palomino, Curatorial Assistant, VLC; and Adrienne Umeh, Director of Operations and Budget, VLC.

We also wish to express deepest gratitude to our colleagues in The New School’s Development and Alumni Relations Department who are responsible for foundation and corporate relations, namely Jesse Flores, Laura Cronin, and Matthew Menkevich, as well as our supportive colleagues Dominic Scarpelli in the Office of Research Development and Pre-Award Services and Emily Springer, Director of Research, Policy and Strategic Initiatives.

In addition, special thanks are owed to our extraordinary graphics team at New Information as well as the good people at Spoke Consulting: Erin Fogg; Cord Bynum; and McKenna Hunt.

Project Lead and Co-producer
Henry A. J. Ramos

Research Assistants
Tim Komatsu (2022–23); Elle Baez (2023–24); Alana Colvin (2024–25)

Symposium Curators
Henry A. J. Ramos, Johanne Bryant-Reid, Diedra Harris-Kelley, Eriola Pira, Wayne Winborne

Exhibition Curators
Johanne Bryant-Reid, Diedra Harris-Kelley, Carin Kuoni, Eriola Pira

Website, Communication & Marketing
Spoke Consulting

Graphic Design
New Information

Editorial Direction
Re’al Christian

Argenis Apolonario and Dario Lasagni

Video Production Support
Peter Lin, Yardbird Entertainment

Music Credits
Stefon Harris & Blackout

For more information about the In Common initiative, please email [email protected].